Challenging jobs at

Brewing & Engineering

What we do 

At Brewing & Engineering we aim at adding long-term value to a constantly changing market. By developing new drinks, designing innovative brewing processes and choosing future-proof installations. With great attention to craftsmanship, innovation and process optimization.  
You know your way around improving important (production) processes: raw materials, technologies, packaging and installations need to be more sustainable in your view. You also understand the call for (even) healthier and more sustainable alternatives. Applying unique technologies and with a focus on the consumer, you will be helping your co-workers at Brewing & Engineering to innovate and push boundaries. Are you ready to come and help us build the brewery of tomorrow?

Why Brewing & Engineering?

Work that has impact

Our mission? To pass on a sustainable family business to future generations. As brewers we depend on raw materials and set great store in preserving them.

Building the future (while developing yourself)

At Brewing & Engineering, every project is a challenge: you get every opportunity to think out of the box and be yourself. We are an incubator of innovation, celebrating a positive, open culture that you can taste every day.

Innovating together

Together with your co-workers you will work on the brewery of the future. Mistakes are allowed; in fact, we consider them an important step in the process of innovation.

More information about Brewing & Engineering

You want to know everything about designing and building innovative breweries and technical installations. You have a clear ambition: minimal waste, low energy and water consumption, and using as few fossil fuels as possible. By sharing our agile approach, you help us stay ahead of the competition. Want to know more? Contact us!

Laboratorium Medewerker / Kalibrant

  • Royal Swinkels
  • 36 - 40 hours per week
  • Lieshout (NL)

Job application

Our no-nonsense culture and clear ambition can be seen and felt in everything we do. Do you want to work at an enterprising family business? Send us a job application!