
Seeing the world as our family

As a family business, we think in generations rather than years. Together we are committed to contribute to a more sustainable world and strive to pass on a smarter, healthier and more sustainable business to future generations. Circularity is the cornerstone of our sustainability strategy. We are also committed to continuously reducing our carbon footprint, encouraging responsible alcohol consumption and engaging locally with communities near our locations.

Climate ambitions

Helping to preserve the planet

Sustainability and consideration for the world around us are key to the way we do business. As brewers and maltsters, we depend on natural resources, so it is important that we take action to conserve these. That is why we are aiming to have net zero operations by 2050.

Circular entrepreneurship

Retaining the value of our resources

To pass an even more flourishing family business on to future generations, we are moving towards circular entrepreneurship. This means not letting raw materials, energy and materials go to waste, and ensuring they retain their value.

Like to work together on our sustainability goals?


Responsible use of alcohol

Encouraging people to drink responsibly

As a brewer, family business and an employer, we believe it is our duty to contribute to responsible drinking and to decrease harmful alcohol consumption. We want everyone to enjoy drinks in a balanced and safe way. Through awareness initiatives, we empower consumers to make informed choices, and our growing alcohol-free portfolio offers a wide array of mindful alternatives.

Local involvement

Working with the community

We see the world as our family, so we like to take care of the communities surrounding our breweries and malting plants. Local engagement is in our DNA. For each location, we define projects that contribute to the interests and needs of local stakeholders. We prefer to be involved for longer periods in structural projects that help local communities. All of this keeps us closely connected to the world around us.

Sustainable Development Goals

Working towards the SDGs

The United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These aim to combat poverty, inequality and climate change, among other things. Eight SDGs are related to our core activities. These are the goals that are closely aligned to our sustainability strategy.

These eight SDGs and how we are aiming to achieve them

Good health and well-being

We will stimulate responsible drinking.

Clean water and sanitation

We will increase the efficiency of our water use and return clean wastewater to local communities and our surroundings.

Affordable and clean energy

We will increase our use of renewable energy, such as solar energy and biogas.

Decent work and economic growth

We will encourage sustainable economic growth and promote valuable work, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Decent work and economic growth

We will promote the protection of labor rights and a safe and healthy working environment throughout our value chain.

Responsible consumption and production

We will engage in circular procurement and production, with high-quality reuse of raw materials.

Climate action

As brewers and maltsters, we depend on natural resources, so it is important that we take action to conserve these. We are therefore taking measures to counter climate change, including aiming for ‘net zero’ operations.

Read our annual report

Curious to see what we did in 2022 to reach our Sustainable Development Goals? You will find extensive information in our annual report.


Our sustainability projects and progress

Infographic Circularity initiatives

As a family business, we don't think in years, but in generations. We understand better than anyone how important it is to pass on a more beautiful company and contribute to a greener world. That's why we focus on circular entrepreneurship: ensuring that we use as few raw materials as possible and that what we use retains as much value as possible.

Holland Malt opens world's first emission-free malthouse

Holland Malt, one of Royal Swinkels' operating companies, officially opened the world's first emission-free malthouse on March 14, 2024. With this step, the Eemshaven-based malthouse goes completely off gas. CEO Jos Jennissen and Groningen's Deputy for Climate, Energy, Water & Mobility, Johan Hamster, personally turned the handle, making the emission-free malthouse a reality. By completely turning off the gas tap, Holland Malt changes its gas consumption of 18 million m³ and about 33,000 tons CO₂ emissions to absolutely zero.

From surplus beer stocks to hand sanitizer for healthcare institutions

The beer stocks we collected from our entrepreneurs, originally intended for delivery to the hospitality sector, have been sustainably repurposed. The alcohol from this beer has been utilized to produce disinfecting hand sanitizer in compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization. We are now distributing this hand sanitizer free of charge to healthcare institutions that need it the most.


  • What is Royal Swinkels doing to reduce CO2?

    Royal Swinkels has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative and this means that our aim is to have net-zero operations by 2050. All the electricity that we buy is green. We are making our business processes more sustainable and choosing greener transport options.

  • What is the Swinkels Circularity Index?

    The Swinkels Circularity Index is a calculation method we use to determine how circular our business operations are. This method has three core processes as control mechanisms: circular procurement, circular manufacturing and high-value reuse. Ultimately, the goal is to do business completely circularly.

  • How sustainable is your packaging?

    Royal Swinkels aims for all packaging to be 100% recyclable and composed entirely of recycled or sustainably certified material. The first objective has been achieved: all our packaging is fully recyclable. For the second objective, we are well on our way. More than half of the plastic we use is recycled material, and our bottles consist of 75% recycled glass. By packaging our products differently and for example making our packaging thinner, we will need fewer raw materials.

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