We are
Royal Swinkels

Seeing the world as our family

What we believe

Royal Swinkels is a global family business of brewers and maltsters serving the retail and hospitality industry. We have steered a bold and independent course for over 300 years. We believe in continuous innovation to deliver premium beer and drinks. Our commitment to a long-term outlook inspires us in everything we do: we strive to pass on a smarter, healthier and more sustainable business to future generations.

300 different drinks 150 Countries

Discover our
extensive portfolio


Family brewed


The sour brew for the happy few


Intense by nature

La Trappe

Taste the silence


The taste of oaked


Brewed with intuition and experience


Your moment of escape in a crazy, stressful world


United by beer


The authentic, golden beer. Brewed for and with thousands of proud Ethiopians

De Molen

Magically merging seemingly incompatible worlds

Bavaria Smalt



Loaded with energy

Join the family!

At Royal Swinkels, we build a culture where we encourage people, help them grow and make them feel valued.

Company culture

We are an entrepreneurial family business with an informal, no-nonsense culture and a clear family ambition. You can see and feel this in everything we do. We believe in openness, short communication lines and treating people equally.

Your career development

A warm welcome and a soft landing await you when you start working for Royal Swinkels. During your time with us, we will help you flourish in each role you fulfil. Not just today, but also with an eye on the future.

Get an impression of Royal Swinkels


As a family business, we think in generations rather than years. Together we are committed to contribute to a more sustainable world and strive to pass on a smarter, healthier and more sustainable business to future generations. Circularity is the cornerstone of our sustainability strategy. We are also committed to continuously reducing our carbon footprint, encouraging responsible alcohol consumption and engaging with communities near our locations.

Infographic Circularity initiatives

As a family business, we don't think in years, but in generations. We understand better than anyone how important it is to pass on a more beautiful company and contribute to a greener world. That's why we focus on circular entrepreneurship: ensuring that we use as few raw materials as possible and that what we use retains as much value as possible.

Holland Malt opens world's first emission-free malthouse

Holland Malt, one of Royal Swinkels' operating companies, officially opened the world's first emission-free malthouse on March 14, 2024. With this step, the Eemshaven-based malthouse goes completely off gas. CEO Jos Jennissen and Groningen's Deputy for Climate, Energy, Water & Mobility, Johan Hamster, personally turned the handle, making the emission-free malthouse a reality. By completely turning off the gas tap, Holland Malt changes its gas consumption of 18 million m³ and about 33,000 tons CO₂ emissions to absolutely zero.

From surplus beer stocks to hand sanitizer for healthcare institutions

The beer stocks we collected from our entrepreneurs, originally intended for delivery to the hospitality sector, have been sustainably repurposed. The alcohol from this beer has been utilized to produce disinfecting hand sanitizer in compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization. We are now distributing this hand sanitizer free of charge to healthcare institutions that need it the most.

Glass for glass

Bavaria, one of the beer brands of Swinkels Family Brewers, launched a special fundraising campaign to support entrepreneurs affected by the riots that took place in Eindhoven in 2021. The family brewery calls on everyone to return their empty beer crates with deposits to the Philips Stadion in Eindhoven for the 'Glass for Glass' campaign. The proceeds from this initiative were doubled by the brewery and will entirely benefit the entrepreneurs whose windows were shattered during the riots.

Bavaria christens new brewing installation for new 0.0% that tastes

More than 40 years of 0.0% brewing experience culminate, after an intensive 5-year journey, in the new 0.0% brewing installation. · The new Bavaria 0.0% tastes like pilsner as the innovative brewing installation extracts alcohol from the beer at a very low temperature. · The new 0.0% brewing installation opens doors to even more alcohol-free and low-alcohol beer varieties through a novel brewing method.

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